This is a sad day.
For the first of all, I (Sense) would like to thank everyone that have been in Remorse under the time I was in it.
It have been a really nice time and I will always remember it as my first really serious team.
To Wess:
You havent been the fire soul, I really cant lie. But when the moment came, you really took the team to the next level with your "Good job son"
To Rob:
Your brittish accent is awful, just admit it! But I think you are a really awesome player, and the nice atmosphere you created in game and out game is just amazing.
To Barni:
You are most retarded romanian player I know. And I love you! You took the game to a new level for all of us with gamesense, aim and senses of all kinds.
"Hepp hepp"
To Kryztof:
I can now spell your name, I'm proud. You really got your moments, and when you do your unstoppable. I wish you good luck in CEFO!
To all other players:
Thank you, I can only name some of them Mart, Aran, Joey and many more!
This was the last post from me.
See you in game!
Viktor aKa Sense