Sunday, August 28, 2011

Final Post

Hello everyone!

This is a sad day.
For the first of all, I (Sense) would like to thank everyone that have been in Remorse under the time I was in it.
It have been a really nice time and I will always remember it as my first really serious team.

To Wess:
You havent been the fire soul, I really cant lie. But when the moment came, you really took the team to the next level with your "Good job son"

To Rob:
Your brittish accent is awful, just admit it! But I think you are a really awesome player, and the nice atmosphere you created in game and out game is just amazing.

To Barni:
You are most retarded romanian player I know. And I love you! You took the game to a new level for all of us with gamesense, aim and senses of all kinds.
"Hepp hepp"

To Kryztof:
I can now spell your name, I'm proud. You really got your moments, and when you do your unstoppable. I wish you good luck in CEFO!

To all other players:
Thank you, I can only name some of them Mart, Aran, Joey and many more!

This was the last post from me.
See you in game!

Viktor aKa Sense

Sunday, August 21, 2011

ruLegends vs Conn3Xx

Come and watch the WOGL Finals with Remorse tonight! 
Team Speak Info:
Rob's Teamspeak
Pw: lol

Cya there!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Crossfire Europe

Official Links:



Are we happy about this?
Not really, buy the UK license to and we will start jump!

Monday, August 8, 2011


Guys i have a bad news as you "probably( ;] ) " know i have to leave remorse. WHy? Answer is simple i want to play a polish championship thats why i have to join polish clan.I know its sounds stupid but this is true...I hope your ganna let me sometimes come to "Rob's TS" :) and ring or just to talk with you.Im glad i was in remorse because its a good clan with cool crew and high skill.I wish you guys a lot of frags and top place in ESL ladder ;p or what ever you want.
wess im ganna miss you and your sux aim xD neee just jokeing wessy :)
viktor aka viktoria xd you always was a soul of this clan!
rob hmmm, hmmmm,hmmm fuck m4 and play with AUG PLEASE YOUR FUCKING AUG MASTER! IM NOT JOKEING!
iff i didnt play with you that much to meet you closer but your aim is sick
God damn im ganna cry i hate leaveing clans im emotionally to weak for this :(

Best regards your krzysio :\
btw "MY gramma sucks"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

WOGL vs Conn3Xx

I will not write a big article about that match, it was a good match. And they were the better team.
So our WOGL Season ended there.
Sub Base: 10-14
Port: 10-10
Tiebreaker (Port): 4-10

GG and GL in future Conn3Xx

See you next season!